In a landmark case known as Google v Costeja , a decision was handed down by the European Union's highest court, the Court of Justice of the European Union, in Luxembourg on May 13, 2014 *1 , in which the Court ruled that such defamation must immediately be deleted by Google. Google's counsel immediately notified the court of their intention to delete such libelous articles *2 and blogs. However, in the U.S., Google has continued to fight the violations of law and even their own, published, "Terms of Service" (TOS), since the courts in the U.S. have allowed such cases to go unchecked because of the First Amendment to the Constitution. _________________________________________________ *1 . Official Press Release of The Court of Justice of the European Union , ruling of May 13, 2014, Case C-131/12, Google Inc. v Agencia Española de Protección de Datos , Mario Costeja González. *2 . Letter from Google , Gen. Counsel Peter Fleischer, Global P...
Buddy Jolton and Jerry Jolton, Realtors. Former owners of Love 'n Stuff Jeans and Jolton Industries. Jerry Jolton and Buddy Jolton have been defamed by someone purporting to operate "Criminal Investigations" but there is no substance to the attacks on the Joltons.